Discount Auto Insurance – Let Us Now Praise Free Market Competition

The Laws of Supply and Demand have proven over and over that competition creates superior products, better service and lower prices. This has certainly been the case with automobile insurance. Because insurance companies can sell policies interstate, you have dozens of companies competing for your business. Automobile insurance providers have responded to the increased competition with a variety of discount auto insurance options.

  1. Comparing auto insurance quotes online will reveal a stunning number of ways you can qualify for more affordable discount auto insurance.
  2. Be a good driver. With many insurance company the longer you maintain a safe, accident-free record, the better your discount on auto insurance. You can even fudge a bit on this one by not filing claims on damages that weren’t caused by an accident.
  3. Drive less. Annual mileage under 10,000 can mean cheap auto insurance.
  4. Live long and prosper. Some insurance companies have discounts for older drivers, contingent on miles driven, retirement status and other factors.
  5. Drive a qualifying vehicle. Hybrids, economy cars, certain types of utility vehicles can net you a discount on car insurance.
  6. Put all your policies in one basket. Multi-policy and multi-vehicle insurance discounts are widely available.
  7. Take a class. If you’re under 25, a good GPA can take the sting out of your car insurance premium. If you’re a senior driver, a defensive driving course could net you a discount.
  8. Up your deductible. This can result in big savings on comprehensive and collision premiums, especially if you drive a late-model car.
  9. Be an early bird. Some companies will give you a little discount for renewing your policy early.
  10. Pay annually. If you can afford it, you can save a bit by avoiding installment charges.
  11. Stop thieves. Insurance companies reward you with auto insurance discounts when you equip your car with anti-theft and safety devices.
  12. Pay online. You save the insurance company admin and postage costs. They return the favor.
  13. Get married. Married people pay lower car insurance rates than singles because statistically they’re less likely to be risky drivers.

Discount auto insurance will vary depending on the company providing the auto insurance quotes and the state you live in.


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