EINSURANCE Insurance Journal

EINSURANCE insurance journal provides our customers latest news, resources regarding insurance topics ranging from Auto, Home, Life, Business and Health.

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insurance tips for first time home buyerEINSURANCE

Insurance Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

The stars are finally aligning to woo Millennials into the housing market. Rental costs are on the rise making equity-building mortgages more appealing, lending standards are loosening up, builders are ramping up construction which will make entry-level
tips for filling small business claimsEINSURANCE

Top Tips to File a Small Business Claim

In an analysis of its small business claims, insurance provider The Hartford projected that four out of 10 small businesses in American are likely to file a property or general liability claim in the next decade. They’ll run the gamut from the commonest,
married couple car insuranceEINSURANCE

Tying the Knot Cuts Car Insurance Costs

The marriage rate in America has been dropping faster than a rock for several decades now, and is especially low for Millennials. According to the Pew Research Center, in 1960 68% of all 20-somethings were married, but by 2008, it had dropped to 26%, due
marijuana and life insuranceEINSURANCE

Marijuana and Life Insurance

It should come as a shock to nobody that life insurance companies penalize smokers with higher premiums or even outright refusal to issue a policy. But now that more than 20 states now allow marijuana use for medicinal purposes and voters in four states h
small business uninsuredEINSURANCE

Is Your Small Business Underinsured?

This article talks about underinsured small business and why it is a good idea to make sure you have enough coverage should something happen.
make your home safer this summerEINSURANCE

Make Your Home Safer This Summer

The kids are out of schools. Friends and family are coming to visit. You’re planning a little getaway. Summer’s in full swing. But don’t let a vacation-mentality spoil your season. Take some commonsense precautions to protect yourself and your guests fro
reverse mortgage homeowners insuranceEINSURANCE

Fast Facts About Homeowners Insurance and Reverse Mortgages

You’ve probably seen the ads on TV touting the benefits of a reverse mortgage. They’re a special type of loan exclusively for homeowners 62 or older that lets them convert part of their home equity into cash.
life insurance provides peace of mind for college loan cosignersEINSURANCE

Life Insurance Provides Peace of Mind for College Loan Cosigners

No parent wants to think about losing a child, but sometimes the unthinkable happens. When that child is a college student with a loan you cosigned, along with the grief you’ll suffer, you could also be saddled with crushing debt. A simple life insurance
car insurance cover flood damageEINSURANCE

Does Your Car Insurance Cover Flood Damage?

We’ve already seen May floods devastate large parts of Texas, resulting in an estimated $45 million in property damage. That may have been just a precursor of things to come. After a record wet spring across the plains states, the summer forecast is equ
smartphone cyber liability insuranceEINSURANCE

Smartphones Cyber Liability Risks

Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a smartphone? In just a few short years, they’ve gone from nowhere to near ubiquity. By the end of 2014, Comscore.com reported that 182 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones equal to nearly 75% of the country’s e
motorcycle insuranceEINSURANCE

Got Enough Motorcycle Insurance?

The temperature’s climbing, summer’s on the way, and the sound of revving hogs can be heard in the land. It’s time to get your motorcycle running and head out on the highway -- but before you go, make sure you have enough motorcycle insurance and that you
homeowners insurance fact or fictionEINSURANCE

Homeowners Insurance Fact or Fiction? Take the Quiz

Homeownership may be the American Dream, but it comes with a stark reality that often comes as a shock to first-time buyers: homeowners insurance. Beyond knowing that your mortgage holder requires it, many Americans are woefully uninformed about the topic
4 reasons to buy renters insuranceEINSURANCE

Life Settlements – Smart Strategy or Risky Business?

Maybe you’ve heard the TV or radio ads offering to buy your life insurance policy and wondered what that was all about. The industry term for such a transaction is a life settlement. Simply put, a life settlement is the sale of your existing life insuranc
4 reasons to buy renters insuranceEINSURANCE

Medicare Supplemental Coverage Basics

If you’ll be turning 65 soon, along with another candle on your cake, you’ll be eligible for a nice gift from American taxpayers like yourself called Medicare. You’ll also begin receiving lots of offers for supplemental insurance, also called Medigap cov
4 reasons to buy renters insuranceEINSURANCE

Insurance Options for Home-Based Businesses

If you’re operating a small business out of your home, you’re not alone. According to Small Business Administration (SBA) data, 52% of all U.S. small businesses are home-based. Chances are you’re also one of the 75% of all U.S. businesses that are classi
the right way to pick your life insurance beneficiaryEINSURANCE

The Right Way to Pick Your Life Insurance Beneficiary

The biggest reason to buy life insurance is because you want to do the right thing and leave those who depend on your protected instead of burdened with crushing financial debt.
4 reasons to buy renters insuranceEINSURANCE

Telematics: The Road to Cheaper Car Insurance for Teen Drivers

The most expensive words in the English language could well be your teenager saying, “Can I borrow the car?” As soon as you give the keys to the family wheels to your kid, you can expect your car insurance premiums to skyrocket -- on average around 79%!
4 reasons to buy renters insuranceEINSURANCE

4 Reasons to Buy Renters Insurance

Even with near record-low mortgage rates, reasonably affordable prices and the carrot of mortgage interest deductions, the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) annual survey found that the percentage of first-time homebuyers dropped to a near all-time