Auto Insurance Journal

Auto insurance journal archives serve to provide summaries of latest auto related insurance news, information and resources.

It helps customers learn what auto insurance they should choose, driving tips and saving discounts, etc.

From car insurance, boat insurance, to motorcycle insurance and RV insurance, EINSURANCE always offers our best efforts to help you choose the right coverage with the best price.

auto insurance quote for the best selling carsEINSURANCE

Auto Insurance Quotes for the Best Selling Cars

Key Takeaways: Even with massive supply issues, high…
17 year old woman smiling showing new car keysEINSURANCE

17 Year Old Car Insurance – Insure Your Teen Driver Without Breaking The Bank

Yes, 17 year old car insurance is going to cost you. Remember, like all insurance, automobile coverage for your teenager is about assessing risk based probability.
car insurance for international driversEINSURANCE

Car Insurance for International Drivers

Key Takeaways: For international drivers in the US,…
cover your risk gaps with umbrella insuranceEINSURANCE

Cover Your Risk Gaps with Umbrella Insurance

Gaps in your insurance can create big liabilities. Cover your risks with personal umbrella insurance and gets insurance quotes online at
does your car insurance cover you out of stateEINSURANCE

Will Your Car Insurance Cover You Out of State?

As spring and summer head our way, you may be planning a…
car insurance lapse - what does it meanEINSURANCE

Car Insurance Lapse – What Does It Mean?

If you have ever talked with an insurance agent to get a car…
filing an auto insurance claim - OEM Vs After market partsEINSURANCE

Filing an Auto Insurance Claim: OEM vs Aftermarket Parts

National Safety Council stats claim there are over 12 million motor vehicle accidents involving more than 20 million vehicles every year. That’s a lot of bent fenders, crumpled trunks and bashed in doors in need of repair. If you drive, the odds are good
don't be a victim of holiday auto accident scamsEINSURANCE

Don’t Be A Victim of Holiday Auto Accident Scams

When the holidays come around, the scammers come out of the woodwork. They like to take advantage of the goodwill, trust and mental distraction that abounds at this time of year. A favorite target is your automobile, or more to the point, the cash they ca
windshield replacement costsEINSURANCE

Windshield Replacement Costs – All You Need to Know

How Much You’ll Pay for a Windshield Replacement If you’re…
how does a third party insurance claim workEINSURANCE

How Does a Third-Party Insurance Claim Work?

A third-party insurance claim is basically when you file an…
best car insurance for new driversEINSURANCE

Best Car Insurance for New Drivers – The Ultimate Guide

Key Takeaways: New drivers are people who have no valid…
low income car insurance guideEINSURANCE

Low Income Car Insurance Guide

Key Takeaways: Insurance rates are not based on income…
pay per mile car insuranceEINSURANCE

Pay Per Mile Car Insurance – How Does it Work?

Pay-per-mile car insurance can be an affordable…
GAP insurance form on a table with a book.EINSURANCE

What Is Gap Insurance and Do You Need It?

If you bought a new car, it started to depreciate as soon…
does car insurance cover hurricane damageEINSURANCE

Does Car Insurance Cover Hurricane Damage?

Sometimes, yes. Your auto insurance policy will cover most…
tips for filing an auto insurance claimEINSURANCE

How to File an Auto Insurance Claim After an Accident?

When you’re in an accident, whether someone is hurt, there…
cheap auto insurance policies right for youEINSURANCE

Are Bare Bones Cheap Auto Insurance Policies Right for You?

Learn the potential risks of too cheap auto insurance and shop for competitive quotes from top rated car insurance companies online.
how does your job affect car insuranceEINSURANCE

How Does Your Job Affect Car Insurance?

Key Takeaways: Auto insurance companies use your "insurance…