Entries by Kathryn Morstad

Low Income Car Insurance Guide

Key Takeaways: Insurance rates are not based on income but do factor in things that imply income levels, such as credit score, education level, and whether you own your home or rent. There are some good ways to save money, like buying an older car or finding alternative transportation for your daily commute to keep […]

What Is Contingent Business Interruption Insurance?

Key Takeaways: Businesses can add contingent business interruption coverage to their standard business insurance policy to protect their business from disruptions outside of their control, like a supplier shut down due to flood or fire. This coverage is especially helpful for businesses that depend on one or two suppliers for merchandise or supplies or have […]

How Does Your Job Affect Car Insurance?

Key Takeaways: Auto insurance companies use your “insurance score” to determine your overall auto insurance quote. Your “insurance score” is determined by an insurance company using a proprietary formula and includes your occupation and salary history. Your job category and credit history speak volumes to insurance companies about your ability to act responsibly and pay […]

Limited Liability Insurance – Do I Need It?

So, you’ve opened a new venture and chosen to do business as a limited liability company. Structuring your business as an LLC is a good way to separate and protect your personal assets from your overall business as well as your business partner(s) assets. In the event your business fails, an LLC should protect you […]

Open Enrollment 2022 – It’s Time Again

Every autumn, people with health insurance enter the ‘open enrollment period’ for the coming plan year and 2021 is no different. This includes employer-based plans, health exchange plans (Affordable Care Act, ACA, or Obamacare), and individual or family plans. Generally, open enrollment period 2022 dates to remember include: Open Enrollment begins Monday, November 1, 2021. Open […]

Vacant Land Insurance – Do You Need It?

Do You Really Need Vacant Land Insurance? Absolutely! If you own vacant land, it’s important to insure it properly and that can mean multiple coverages or policies to be sure you’re adequately protected. People often assume that their homeowner’s insurance policy will cover any vacant land they may own automatically, but that’s not the case. […]

Can You Get Car Insurance Without a License

Car insurance is vitally important! In fact, most states require you to have a minimum of insurance to cover your personal liability for any damage you or your car may cause. The minimum required amount of coverage is defined by each state and that usually means carrying insurance that includes bodily injury and property damage […]

High Deductible Health Plans – Are They Right For You?

The 2020 Open Enrollment Period (OEP) for health insurance plans is fast approaching. Many Americans will be evaluating high deductible health plans (HDHP) options as an alternative with over 45% of people under 65 years of age choosing them last year alone. These plans continue to increase in popularity as consumers seek relief from the […]